Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Resolutions

Its that time of the year again...January. Its time for the gyms to be packed full, and the alarm clocks are set super early, budgets are made, goals are set and people get off the coach and do their best to make THIS year, the greatest ever.

Typically by March, there is parking at the gym again, the snooze button gets pushed, and THIS year turns into just another. That is typically what happens. It doesn't always have to, but it typically does. The key is setting reasonable goals at the beginning of the year. Goals that you can attain, goals that can make you feel good about the progress made.

What are your goals this year? What are your goals for 2010? Moving up at work? Losing a certain amount of weight? Making a certain amount of money? Think over some of your goals and the realism behind each of those goals. Make realistic ones and stay motivated.

I'm not trying to sound like a personal trainer or something, just trying to put the resolutions in perspective. I have some fairly typical resolutions. They primarily have to do with setting my family up for success in the next year and beyond.  Being the type of man that I am called to be. And that is no easy task. The modern man needs to set goals, and fulfill them. If he doesn't, his family suffers. If his family suffers, then that is not good.

The modern family man needs to do everything possible to keep family at the forefront of his resolutions. For all those family men out there, keep this in mind when making some resoltions this year. Its great to have resulotions and to share them with your wife, but don't make ridiculous ones because you will just get discouraged. Most of you won't make a million dollars this year, so don't make that a resolution. Set some goals with your significant other and you all of a sudden have someone to encourage you along your journey to fulfilling those numerous resolutions that you have set for 2010.


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