Friday, January 8, 2010


Sometimes the modern man needs to give way to his better half when she has strong opinions on something. This is one of those times. My beautiful wife Whitney has strong opinions that I support regarding the highly controversial Facebook Bra-Gate as it pertains to breast cancer awareness, the modern family and what it can do to that structure. Check it out below.

Most of you have seen by now the email going around Facebook…"Post your bra color and support breast cancer awareness!". Rumor has it that its supposed to get us all to talk so word is out about breast cancer, some others say the point is to wear a pink bra so everyone’s status would say “pink”. No matter what the point of this exercise is, I don’t see how exactly we are supporting breast cancer. And I believe we have larger problems to come.

First of all, do not think that I am being insensitive towards cancer victims or survivors. My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and my grandpa is a victim of cancer. Almost all of us can relate to cancer personally. There are so many ways out there today to support the specific cause we believe in, and no matter what it is, we should do our due diligence to make sure that our efforts (our money and/or our time) are actually going where they say they are going.

My opinion is that telling the world what color your bra is isn’t an appropriate way of raising money or awareness for breast cancer. Yeah, it got people talking about how this is breast cancer awareness month, but you know what else it did? It got plenty of men thinking about what bra “that” girl is wearing and once you start thinking about the bra why not think about the panties? Her shirt is already off, her pants might as well be too. When women start virtually stripping over the internet, it’s not as long of a fall as you might think before it becomes more dangerous.
I am sure many of you think I am making a large leap from bra color to internet pornography, but it is a prime example of where our culture is headed today. Something not so innocent becomes something normal a few years later. We all know that men are physical, visual beings. Just like women can’t help that they are emotional, men can’t help that they are physical. 47% of families say pornography is an issue in their house. If you think your house is immune to it, you’re wrong.

While most men can hear about their wife’s best friend’s bra color and not dwell on it, some cannot. Some men don’t have the strength to put it out of sight, out of mind. Some men have a real issue with pornography, and the internet makes it that much easier to obtain. I don’t think most men start their addiction by calling up a hooker and going hard-core. They start is by seeing something simple, something fairly innocent on the internet that peaks their interest, that keeps coming back into their head to make them wonder, what if there’s more out there? If her bra color is red, is she wearing matching panties? I wonder how they look in person? Personally, I only want my husband thinking about me in that way.

As for me and my house, I believe in doing everything in my power to protect the sanctity of our marriage. Even Matt is not immune to pornography. If it was in front of his face everyday, I wouldn’t blame him for going back to it. It takes effort from all of us to protect our families from the growing grasp of pornography. 57% of pastors say pornography addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregations. Yes, the majority of men are probably strong enough to not let a little Facebook gimmick get to them, but what if one isn’t? I would hope that I would never contribute to even one man slipping and becoming gripped by the prison of pornography.

Statistics from


Bethany said...

amen, sister! that's the truth!

benjamin said...

Well said indeed.

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