Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Hangover

Its the week between presents and party...typically we reflect back on the previous year, and prepare for the upcoming year. Rarely do we feel good about it. With so much going on during the months of November and December, its tough to get amped for the coming year when we are still trying to recover from the previous holidays.

Moving through this week has been rather painful. The calm before the storm of the New Year. How can you make this week a productive one? The biggest key to success is preparing for the New Year. I'm not saying set a bunch of unattainable resolutions like lose 80 pounds and make a million dollars this next year, but set some reasonable, attainable goals for yourself and for your family. Use this week to plan your 2010. At each age and stage of life, we, as men have different goals. Each year represents a unique opportunity to grow and better yourself and attain goals that are out there depending on your stage of life. Spend this slow week at work making those goals, create a specific and attainable plan to achieve those goals, and talk to those close to you about those goals and use the support group around you to encourage you.

Break the holiday hangover by setting some goals for the next year, and make a plan to achieve those goals. Oh yeah, and drink some nice champagne on New Years Eve.


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