Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Wrapping

Each Christmas Eve, men everywhere scramble for a solution to their Christmas wrapping duties. As men, we buy presents for the ones we love. Our wives, our sisters, our brothers, friends, parents, mother and father in-laws, co-workers, etc.

Many times, the gift is the not the most daunting part about the Christmas season. Sometimes, it is, in fact, the wrapping of the gifts. Thankfully, growing up, I was gifted with three younger sisters that I could force into gift wrapping submission, but today I must explore other options.

For men everywhere, the wrapping inevitably comes down to Christmas Eve. Enlist those women close to you to wrap your presents if at all possible. It is a proven fact that men are just inadequate at wrapping presents. Woman have a knack for it and are just plain better at it than men. Find a way to bribe a woman in your family to wrap your presents and award them with whatever is reasonable based on the volume of the wrapping job in front of them.

Good luck to you men, and maybe more importantly those women whom you enlist to assist you in your Christmas Eve wrapping adventure.


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